Southern Star Royal Arch Chapter No. 8
Southern Star Royal Arch Chapter No. 8 was consecrated on 9th August 2011 in Munich, Germany. It is the only Royal Arch Chapter in the south of Germany working Ritual in the English language and is therefore of special interest to all Masons in Bavaria and surrounding states and countries.
The Royal Arch is a beautiful degree, dramatic in its Ceremony, and full of allegory and hidden meaning. It takes brotherhood to the next level as Craft Masons become Companions in the Royal Arch in their journey through life. As such it is the completion of a Craft Mason’s journey through ‘Pure and Antient Freemasonry’ from Initiation to Exaltation.
The Book of Constitution declares:
“Pure and Antient Freemasonry consists of three degrees and no more, those of the Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason including the Supreme Order of the Royal Arch.”

Why should Craft Freemasons join the Royal Arch?
Pure ancient Freemasonry, which is composed of Craft masonry and Royal Arch masonry, presents the inquiring mind with an inspirational framework for life. Through the lessons presented in the Craft ceremonies, a Freemason is called upon to improve his relationship with his fellows and to practice the three great principles upon which the Craft is founded; brotherly love, relief and truth.
The Royal Arch takes matters further and can be seen to be the superstructure that makes all that has been presented complete and perfect. The ceremony in the Royal Arch is colourful, thought provoking and uplifting. It is based upon the Old Testament legend of the rebuilding of the Temple.
The Royal Arch makes good the promise of ‘recovery’ when what is lost in the Third Degree of Craft Masonry is revealed in a fascinating ceremony. Progress through the Royal Arch completes an individual’s journey through pure ancient Freemasonry.
Craft Masons are, therefore, actively encouraged to become members of the Royal Arch in order to further develop and enrich their understanding of Freemasonry.

Members of the Royal Arch are known as “Companions”. The word Companion is derived from two Latin terms, meaning someone with whom you shared your bread, was one who could be trusted with your life; it suggests a higher affinity than that of a brother. It is a particularly apt description of a member of the Royal Arch, who has a duty to support and encourage his Companions and to attain a high standard of conduct in his personal life. New Members very quickly discover why we say the desire of all Royal Arch Masons is to “please each other and to unite in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness”.
Who can join?
Freemasons, of all faiths, who have been Master Masons for at least four weeks can apply for membership, but must be proposed, seconded and balloted for by the members of the Chapter to which they seek admission. The interval between becoming a Master Mason and his exaltation into a Chapter is however a matter for each individual, and will largely depend on his circumstances and readiness for its teachings. Early application however, ensures a greater opportunity to participate in the work and to understand its teachings.
We meet four times per year, normally on the 3rd Saturday in February, May, and November (Regular Convocations) and on the 4th Saturday in August (Installation Convocation).
All Master Masons who are curious to learn more can attend one of our “Educational Evenings” – the next time and location will be communicated to the Secretary of every Munich Lodge – so please ask your Secretary.
For more information, please send an email to Scribe Ezra, the chapter secretary, at se@ssrac8.org or use the contact form bellow.
Let’s stay in touch!
For further information about Southern Star Royal Arch Chapter 8, please contact the Escribe Ezra by email at se@ssrac8.org or use the contact form.