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191st. Regular Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

1st. Degree: Initiation Ceremony (Entered Apprentice) The First Degree Ceremony [...]

192nd. Regular Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

 1st. Degree: Initiation Ceremony (Entered Apprentice) The First Degree Ceremony [...]

LOI Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

Second Degree Ceremony Rehearsal

193rd. Regular Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

2nd. Degree: Passing Ceremony (Fellow Craft) This event is opened [...]


COR Meeting – Online

Administrative Topics will be discussed. All Brethren are invited to [...]

LOI Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

For all EAs: 1st. Degree Obligation For all FCs & [...]

194th. Regular Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

2nd. Degree: Passing Ceremony (Fellow Craft) This event is opened [...]


COR Meeting – Online

Administrative Topics will be discussed. All Brethren are invited to [...]

LOI Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

Preparation of all EAs for the Regular Meeting at 25.10.2023. [...]

195th. Regular Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

Joined Event with a German speaking Lodge. Topic: Explanation of [...]

COR Meeting

Administrative Topics will be discussed. All Brethren are invited to [...]

LOI Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany


196th. Regular Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

2nd. Degree: Passing Ceremony (Fellow Craft) This event is opened [...]

COR Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

Administrative Topics will be discussed. All Brethren are invited to [...]

LOI Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

Topic to be defined.

197th. Regular Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

1st. Degree: Initiation Ceremony (Entered Apprentice) The First Degree Ceremony [...]

COR Meeting – Online

Administrative Topics will be discussed. All Brethren are invited to [...]

198th. Regular Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

Rehearsal: Installation Meeting

LOI Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

Rehearsal: Installation Meeting

COR Meeting | Online

Administrative Topics will be discussed. All Brethren are invited to [...]

LOI Meeting | First Degree

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

Rehearsal of the 1st. Degree Ceremony

200th. Regular Meeting | First Degree

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

1st. Degree: Initiation Ceremony (Entered Apprentice) The First Degree Ceremony [...]

202nd. Regular Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

203rd. Regular Meeting

Das Haus der Bruderhilfe Schwanthalerstr. 60, Munich, Bayern, Germany

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